
Cost Free Conversions

From Pacifiers to Profits: Nurturing Social Media Strategies for Free Conversions


As a working mum, you're already performing a juggling act between your business aspirations and family life. The digital world of marketing might seem like a complex labyrinth.  

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Does this sound like you?

  •  Struggling to gain traction on social media without breaking the bank.
  • Feeling lost in the nuances of creating a compelling website and sales page.
  • Wasting precious hours on strategies that don’t yield results.
  • The frustration of seeing little to no increase in your online leads.

What if things could be different? 


Effortless Lead Generation

Attracting leads through social media without spending a dime.


Streamlined Web Presence

A stunning website and sales page that captivate your audience.


Balanced Life

Seamlessly managing business growth alongside your home responsibilities.

 If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

Technology changed my life and my business; I made the most money I had ever made while on maternity leave with my second child with the help of AI!

Hi, I am Clare Marie,

 I have been in business for 15 years and have learnt a lot along the way, but the most amazing magical thing happened Jan 2023! AI technology, just as I gave birth to my second child, I had no choice but to try it and thank god I did because it was life-changing.

With the amount of work I can get in such little work time and with zero brain power required, it is a non-brainer to teach others how to do this and it's a non-brainer not to learn this vital technology to supercharge your business growth!

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:

Cost Free Conversions

Social Media Mastery: Learn to use social media platforms to generate leads without any advertising costs.

Efficient Strategies: Practical tips to get more done in less time, aligning perfectly with your busy schedule.

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Here is what you will get when you join 


Master Class in Content Strategy for social media

You'll learn how to craft and execute a winning content strategy that resonates with your audience, drives engagement, and achieves your business goals.



Master Class in Registering on Directories 

You'll discover the most effective techniques and best practices for optimizing your directory listings to enhance your online visibility and reach your target audience


Master Class in How blogs help SEO

You'll uncover the strategic use of blogs to boost your website's search engine optimization, driving organic traffic, and improving your online presence



Master Class in the basics of Facebook

You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of Facebook's core features, tools, and strategies to harness the power of this social media platform for personal or business success



Master Class in the basics of Instagram 

You'll delve into the fundamentals of Instagram, from setting up your profile to creating engaging content, and learn how to effectively use this popular platform to connect with your audience and achieve your goals

Templates and Workbooks Included:

Personal Development also included:

 Join now 

If you truly want to see the results, this course is your golden ticket to a brighter, more balanced future. Don't let another day go by without taking action. Join us on this journey to transform your work and life.

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and to make sure you get the most out of this course

Free Check Sheet 

So you can make sure you have learnt and implemented all the techniques so you don't feel like you have missed anything and maximised its full potential for the investment made for the price of the course.


The Course takes2 hours to complete

and 4 hours to implement the strategies. (Approx)

But I know what you might be thinking...

Still on the fence about it?

Why not start here:


Effortlessly Elevate Your Business!


Discover the 4 Secret Elements Busy Mums Use to Thrive in Business! While working less and earning more.
We know juggling family and business isn't just a balancing act—it's an art. What if we told you there's a way to streamline that masterpiece?


Dive into our exclusive webinar tailored just for go-getters like you. Unravel the 4 game-changing elements to skyrocket your business without adding hours to your already-packed day.


Because every mum deserves the chance to shine in both family and business. Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to transform challenges into triumphs.


Secure your spot now and let your business flourish