If you are feeling...

Feeling the Financial Pinch:

Spending significant amounts on delegating tasks, which is straining the budget and not always delivering the desired ROI.

Anxiety Over Technology Gaps:

Concerned about not being able to fully leverage the potential of AI and chatbot technology due to a lack of technical expertise.

Disappointed with Results:

Struggling to achieve the expected outcomes from current AI and Chat GPT, leading to frustration and a sense of wasted effort.


We hear you, and your not alone, this is a common worry of our business group.

Imagine a Different Reality...

Now, picture this:

  • 🌟 Effortlessly managing your business with AI-powered precision.
  • 🚀 Scaling your operations without sacrificing personal time.
  • 🌈 Creating more space for creativity and strategic thinking.
  • 💡 Leveraging cutting-edge technology to stay ahead of the curve.
  • 🕊️ Finding the perfect balance between your professional and personal life.



You've Found Your Answer
At Clare Marie Consultancy

 we understand your challenges. That's why our "Expert Gurus" are more than just chatbots. They are your partners in transforming how you do business. Tailored for entrepreneurs who value efficiency and innovation, our GPT chatbots are here to revolutionise your workflow.

Our Expert Gurus offer:

  • Customisable AI solutions tailored to your specific business needs.
  • Hands-on support in implementing and optimising your chatbot.
  • A suite of tools to automate routine tasks, freeing up your valuable time.
  • Insights and analytics to drive better business decisions.

Available in the membership


  • Access to our platform to view and enable gurus on your own Chat GPT
  • Please note you will need the paid version of Chat GPT to access the Gurus. 

I know what you might be thinking ...

you could ...

  • Struggle to work it out on your own, wasting hours "playing" about.
  • Figure out the long and hard way, making many mistakes along the way 
  • Make mistakes that cost you time and money and have to start again 
  • cause yourself serious burn out trying different things 

or you could 

  • Try out tried and tested and proved method to get the results you want in super quick time. 

Magic and Manifest Mermbership


  • Access to our platform to view and enable gurus on your own Chat GPT
  • Please note you will need the paid version of Chat GPT to access the Gurus.