
Finding your Tribe

Love, Laughter & Like-Minded Souls: The Tribe-Tuning Workshop for Mums


Deep inside, you know your brand could stand out more if it genuinely reflected you.


Do you often feel that despite putting in so much effort, you're not making the connections you desire in your business? Perhaps, you're constantly thinking, "Is there a better way to connect with my audience? Can I possibly simplify things without compromising my business or family?


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Does this sound like you?


  • Feeling lost in the sea of brands that look and sound the same.
  • Trying to be present for your family, while chasing customers

  • Wanting to understand your audience but feeling clueless on where to start.

  • Spending hours on tasks that should only take minutes, stealing away precious moments from family time.

  • everyone talking about your dream client and not even knowing what that means?!


What if things could be different? 


Understanding your audience:

Effortlessly, leading to more sales with less effort.


Mental clarity and focus:

So you can be present with your family and in your business.



Efficient strategies in place

Letting you finish tasks quickly and get back to what truly matters.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

Breathe a sigh of relief, there's a clear way forward.

We understand the unique challenges faced by working mums, and we've crafted a course that speaks directly to YOU.


Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:

Finding your Tribe Course

Understand your audience's needs, desires, and pain points.

Actionable Steps: Apply strategies immediately for quick results.

Expert Guidance: Learn from professionals who have been there and done that.

Time-saving Techniques: Get stuff done quicker, so you can enjoy more downtime.


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Here is what you will get when you join 


Master Class -

Understanding your audience

Take a deep dive into the art of truly grasping who your listeners are, tailoring your message effectively, and creating a lasting impact.



Master Class -

Understanding Pain Points

we will guide you through the process of identifying, analysing, and addressing the core challenges and concerns of your target audience.



Master Class - Using AI Find your audience/ be your audience for feedback.

Dive into our Master Class on Using AI to Find Your Audience and Be Your Audience for Feedback, where we'll explore cutting-edge techniques to harness artificial intelligence in identifying your ideal audience and obtaining invaluable feedback directly from AI simulations.

Templates and Workbooks Included:

Personal Development also included:

Join now 

You're at a pivotal point. To truly find balance and success in your business, understanding your audience is crucial. This isn’t just another course; it’s an investment in a more harmonious, efficient, and rewarding life. If you’re committed to seeing transformative results, you can't afford to miss out on this.



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and to make sure you get the most out of this course

Free Check Sheet 

So you can make sure you have learnt and implemented all the techniques so you don't feel like you have missed anything and maximised its full potential for the investment made for the price of the course.


The Course takes 1 Hour to complete


and 2 hours to implement the strategies. (Approx)

But I know what you might be thinking...

Still on the fence about it?

Why not start here:


Effortlessly Elevate Your Business Mini Course!


Discover the 4 Secret Elements Busy Mums Use to Thrive in Business! While working less and earning more.
We know juggling family and business isn't just a balancing act—it's an art. What if we told you there's a way to streamline that masterpiece?


Dive into our exclusive Mini Course tailored just for go-getters like you. Unravel the 4 game-changing elements to skyrocket your business without adding hours to your already-packed day.


Because every mum deserves the chance to shine in both family and business. Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to transform challenges into triumphs.


Secure your spot now and let your business flourish