Terms and Conditions for Clare Marie Consultancy 

Effective date: 11.01.24


Terms and Conditions for Clare Marie Consultancy Online Business Coaching Courses

1. Introduction Welcome to Clare Marie Consultancy By enrolling in our online business coaching courses, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully.

2. Course Content Our courses are designed to provide information and guidance in business coaching. This includes, but is not limited to, video content, written materials, and interactive sessions.

3. Use of Materials The materials provided in our courses are for personal, non-commercial use only. Sharing, distributing, or reproducing these materials without prior written consent fromClare Marie Consultancy is strictly prohibited.

4. No Refund Policy All course fees are non-refundable. We encourage you to review the course description and objectives thoroughly before enrolling.

5. Membership and Cancellation You may cancel your membership at any time. However, please note that cancellation will not entitle you to a refund of any fees already paid.

6. Disclaimer of Warranties Our courses are provided "as is" without any guarantees or warranty. In association with the product,Clare Marie Consultancy makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, of title, or of non-infringement of third-party rights.

7. Limitation of Liability 

Clare Marie Consultancy will not be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, or special damages arising out of or in connection with the courses and services provided.

8. Governing Law These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Clare Marie Consultancy any disputes related to these terms will be heard in the courts of England.

9. Changes to Terms and Conditions

Clare Marie Consultancy reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. We will provide notice of any significant changes by posting on our website.

10. Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at [email protected]

11. Mini Membership and License to Use and Resell Templates

11.1 Mini Membership Subscription: We offer a mini membership for £7 per month, which grants you a non-exclusive, transferable license to use, rebrand, and sell our templates provided as part of the membership.

11.2 Permitted Use: As a mini member, you are authorized to modify, rebrand, and sell the templates obtained through your membership in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

11.3 Payment Terms: The monthly fee is due in advance and will be billed on a recurring basis. Consistent failure to pay the monthly fee may result in suspension or termination of your license and access to the templates.

11.4 Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your mini membership at any time. However, please note that cancellation does not entitle you to a refund of any fees already paid, and you must cease the sale of any new rebranded templates post-cancellation.

11.5 Compliance with Laws: When rebranding and selling the templates, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to intellectual property and consumer protection laws.


12. Use of 'Gurus' Chatbot Service

12.1 Nature of Service: Our 'Gurus' chatbot service employs artificial intelligence (AI) technology to assist users with inquiries and provide guidance. This service is intended for entertainment purposes and should not be considered a full replacement for professional advice or the human brain.

12.2 Limitations of AI Technology: While we strive for accuracy, the responses generated by our 'Gurus' chatbot are based on AI algorithms and may not always provide accurate or complete information. The use of this technology is intended to assist, not replace, human judgment and expertise.

12.3 User Responsibility: Users are encouraged to fact-check and verify the information provided by the 'Gurus' chatbot. Reliance on any information provided by our AI technology is solely at the user's own risk. [Your Business Name] is not responsible for any decisions or actions taken based on the information or advice given by the 'Gurus' chatbot.

13. Use and Limitations of AI Technology

13.1 Understanding AI Capabilities:

Our services utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to enhance user experience and provide information. It is important to understand that AI is a supplementary tool and not a replacement for the human brain or professional judgment.

13.2 Reliance on AI-Provided Information:

While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information provided by our AI technology, it may not always be complete, current, or applicable to your specific situation. We strongly advise that you use this information as a starting point and not as a sole basis for decision-making.

13.3 Responsibility for Fact-Checking: We encourage all users to independently verify and fact-check any information provided by our AI tools before relying on it.Clare Marie Consultancy does not accept responsibility for any actions taken or decisions made based on the reliance on our AI technology.

13.4 Encouraging Informed Decision Making:

Our goal is to assist and augment human capabilities, not to replace them. We believe in empowering our users to make informed decisions by using AI as an aid, rather than a definitive authority.

14. Acknowledgment of Business Risks and No Guarantee of Success

14.1 Understanding Business Risks: Starting and running a business involves significant risk and investment. As a user of Clare Marie Consultancy's educational materials and resources, you acknowledge and agree that business success is influenced by various factors, many of which are beyond our control.

14.2 No Guarantees of Success: While our educational content, including courses and templates, is designed to provide guidance and support,Clare Marie Consultancy makes no guarantees regarding the success or growth of your business. Our resources are tools to assist in your business journey, not guarantees of outcome.

14.3 User Responsibility and Effort: The application and success of the strategies and information provided in our materials depend heavily on your personal effort, commitment, and the specific context of your business. You are responsible for the implementation of these strategies and for conducting your business activities.

14.4 Limitation of Liability: Clare Marie Consultancy shall not be liable for any decisions, actions, or outcomes resulting from the use of our educational materials. Your decision to start or operate a business is entirely at your own risk, and you should consider seeking independent professional advice.


15. 'Magic and Manifest' Membership Terms

15.1 Exclusive Content: The 'Magic and Manifest' membership provides access to exclusive templates, resources, and content ("Membership Content"). This content is specially curated for members of this tier and is not available to non-members.

15.2 Prohibition of Resale: Members of the 'Magic and Manifest' program agree that the templates and resources provided as part of their membership are not for resale. Members are strictly prohibited from selling, distributing, or otherwise transferring the Membership Content to third parties.

15.3 No Sharing of Content: The Membership Content is for the personal and/or internal business use of the member only. Sharing, copying, distributing, or transmitting any part of the Membership Content outside of the member's organization is strictly forbidden.

15.4 Intellectual Property Rights: All content provided in the 'Magic and Manifest' membership, including but not limited to templates, documents, and resources, remains the intellectual property of Clare Marie Consultancy. Members are granted a limited license to use this content as per these terms, which does not transfer any intellectual property rights.

15.5 Cancellation Policy: Members may cancel their 'Magic and Manifest' membership at any time. Cancellation will be effective at the end of the current billing cycle, and members will not be charged for subsequent cycles.

15.6 Violation of Membership Terms: Any violation of these terms may result in immediate suspension or termination of the membership without refund, and may also lead to legal action if intellectual property rights are infringed.

16. Terms for 1-to-1 Training Sessions

16.1 Full Price Payment Option: If you opt for the full price payment for 1-to-1 training sessions with Clare Marie Consultancy, please be aware that this payment is non-refundable. We encourage you to thoroughly consider this commitment before proceeding with the full price option.

16.2 Monthly Payment Plan Option: For clients choosing the monthly payment plan, there is an option to cancel. However, this cancellation is subject to our discretion. We reserve the right to terminate the monthly plan if we determine that the ongoing arrangement is no longer mutually beneficial.

16.3 Notice of Cancellation: In the event of cancellation by either party, we will provide adequate notice as per the terms agreed upon at the start of the training.

16.4 Commitment to Progress: Our 1-to-1 training is designed to be beneficial to both parties. We commit to regularly reviewing progress and the ongoing suitability of the training arrangement to ensure it meets the expected goals and objectives.

17. Terms of Website Use

17.1 Commitment to Reliable Software: At Clare Marie Consultancy, we are committed to using reliable software and maintaining best practices to ensure the security and functionality of our website. We strive to prevent bugs, viruses, and breaches in website security.

17.2 Limitation of Liability: Despite our efforts to secure the website, unforeseen vulnerabilities may occur. Clare Marie Consultancy cannot be held liable for any bugs, viruses, unauthorized access, data breaches, or other damages that may arise from the use of our website.

17.3 User Responsibility: Users are advised to take appropriate measures to protect themselves, such as using updated antivirus software and being cautious with their personal information. Clare Marie Consultancy is not responsible for any negative consequences stemming from users' interactions with our website.

17.4 External Links: Our website may include links to external websites. We are not responsible for the content or security practices of these external sites. These links are provided for your convenience and do not imply our endorsement.